Replanting at Wyndham Garden

WyndhamGardenWhen our reception venue Best Western changed over to a Wyndham Garden, we were a little concerned that Laura, the event coordinator, was going to change, too.  It turns out that, despite Laura’s assertions, that has happened, though this change was about four months after the other hotel’s flag change occurred.  Jim and I found out through Gina, who was trying to get a hold of Laura to schedule a cake tasting with whichever bakery Wyndham Garden uses for their weddings.

This is pretty unfamiliar ground with me.  Theoretically, this shouldn’t change anything about our contract.  However, it cannot be assumed that anything we discussed with Laura was adequately relayed to Paulina. It sounds like I’m going to have to do some leg work in remembering what was discussed and making sure that nothing we verbally agreed on goes up in price.

As potentially worrisome as this situation is, I am hopeful that this is a good change. Laura did not seem to have her heart in event coordination, and, while she was very flexible with us, she did not inspire confidence. Her responses were not always very prompt and our multiple requests to see the room set up for a similarly sized function have fallen on deaf ears. We can hope Paulina will be similarly accommodating and more helpful.  We’ll just have to see.

- The Bride

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